A New (Old) Rosary for a New Day

As a life-long Protestant, my experience with the Rosary is limited. Still, I’ve always had a little trouble with some of the wording. “Pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death” seems a little depressing for a daily prayer diet. I understand that the repetition of a simple prayer has the capacity to transport one to a deeper state of prayer and meditation, and the Rosary offers that. All that sinning and dying is still a little bit much for this heathen Protestant.

Apparently, I am not alone in my thinking. Matthew Fox, former Roman Catholic now Episcopal Priest has unearthed an earlier version of the Rosary prayer. He proposes it as a new Rosary for a new time. I think he is on to something. Check it out:

“Hail Mary, full of grace,

the Lord is with you, untroubled maiden.

You are blessed among women,

you who brought forth peace to people

and glory to the angels.

Blessed too is the fruit of your womb,

Who by grace made it possible for us to

be his heirs.

Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us

heirs and co-workers of God

at the hour of our creativity.


I like it.

It affirms that we are co-creators with God in this world we share with humanity. It suggests that we are stewards of the bounty that is creation. It holds forth the possibility for peace, a gift that comes through the fruit of Mary’s womb. We call him the Prince of Peace. May it be so in our world.

So much of the Christian tradition is based in shame, guilt, and fear it is hard to lift our heads to the greater glory that is also ours as “heirs and co-workers of God.” How different our world would be if we focused on the possibilities that are ours with the loving power of God rooted within us instead of the fear of hell, eternal damnation, shame, guilt and fear.

Just a thought from this heathen Protestant.

